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Beeri, Tuvia

*1929 Topolcany (former Czechoslovakia, today Slovakia) – †2022 Israel

Tuvia Beeri is one of the most important contemporary Israeli artists and has lived in Paris and Israel. He was born in 1929 in what was then Czechoslovakia. In 1948 he emigrated to Israel. There he studied at the Oranim Institute in Quiryat Tivon from 1957, before going to the École des Beaux Arts to study with Professor Johnny Friedlaender in Paris from 1961 to 1963. After studying in France, he returned to Israel and taught art and design at the Bezalel Institute in Jerusalem, and later etching at the Aviv Institute in Tel Aviv. Beeri is considered one of Israel's leading printmakers. His preferred technique is aquatint etching. He pursues a unique urge to devote himself to detail, although at the same time he creates exploding and cloudy compositions. His personal language of form and color includes geometric, yet blending surfaces.
The artist's world is one full of fantasies that nevertheless draws its inspiration from what surrounds us: from the geometric, the organic and the inorganic, from machines and their movements, from light, symbols and signs. In Beeri's works, one can see how all this merges into a pictorial motif. Between mountains, lakes, and pyramids, all hierarchy is suspended. Colorful constructions of abstracted landscapes appear and seem like graphic poems of circles and clouds. An endless depth between ink-black and bright white is created before our eyes; a boundless world, limited only by geometry.
Tuvia Beeri has participated in numerous international exhibitions, including in Canada, South America, Australia, Germany, France and in Israel.

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