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Chagall, Marc

*1887 Witebsk (RU) - †1985 Saint-Paul-de-Vence (FR)

There is a reason why Marc Chagall has become one of the most important artists of modernity - his graphic oeuvre alone fills many volumes of complex and impressive catalogues raisonné. People love him and his painting not only because of his habit of adding a certain absence of gravity to his art. In his prints, he has angels on ladders float down from the sky; fish, bucks and other animals raise into the sky, and flower bouquets circle above Paris. In the end, everything Chagall painted in his long life, was about love. Themes, like e.g. his brilliant fusion of the faces of two lovers in the original lithograph "David and Bathsheba" from his great Bible volume of 1956 still touch innumerable people.

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